Published papers

Published papers

See below for full list of papers published

Title Journal Year URL Paper
Predicting two-dimensional semiconductors using conductivity effective mass Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2024 link PDF
High-throughput identification of materials for silicon tandem solar cells Sustainable Energy & Fuels 2023 link PDF
Anomalous ferroelectricity and double-negative effects in bilayer hexagonal boron nitride Physical Review B 2022 link PDF
Hydride Ion Intercalation and Conduction in the Electride Sr3CrN3 Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2022 link PDF
Ultralow Work Function of the Electride Sr3CrN3 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2022 link PDF
High-Temperature Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Electride Gadolinium Monohalides Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2021 link PDF
Huge Piezoelectric Response of LaN-based Superlattices ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020 link PDF
Data-mining element charges in inorganic materials Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2020 link PDF
Sn 5s2 lone pairs and the electronic structure of tin sulphides: A photoreflectance, high-energy photoemission, and theoretical investigation Physical Review Materials 2020 link PDF
Electrides: a review Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2020 link PDF
Manipulation of the Rashba effect in layered tellurides MTe (M = Ge, Sn, Pb) Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2020 link PDF
Sr3CrN3: a new electride with a partially filled d-shell transition metal JACS 2019 link PDF
Thermodynamics, electronic structure and vibrational properties of Snn(S1-xSex)m solid solutions for energy applications Chemistry of Materials 2019 link PDF
High-throughput identification of electrides from all known inorganic materials Chemistry of Materials 2018 link PDF
Chemical and lattice stability of the tin sulfides Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2017 link PDF
Metastable cubic tin sulfide: a novel phonon-stable chiral semiconductor APL Materials 2017 link PDF
Lattice dynamics of the tin sulphides SnS2, SnS and Sn2S3: vibrational spectra and thermal transport Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2017 link PDF
DFT investigation into the underperformance of sulfide materials in photovoltaic applications Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017 link PDF
Anharmonicity in the high-temperature cmcm phase of SnSe: soft modes and three-phonon interactions Physical Review Letters 2016 link PDF
Electronic structure and defect physics of tin sulfides: SnS, Sn2S3, and SnS2 Physical Review Applied 2016 link PDF
Discovery of earth-abundant nitride semiconductors by computational screening and high-pressure synthesis Nature Communications 2016 link PDF
Band alignments, valence bands, and core levels in the tin sulfides SnS, SnS2, and Sn2S3: Experiment and Theory Chemistry of Materials 2016 link PDF
Electronic and optical properties of single crystal SnS2: an earth-abundant disulfide photocatalyst Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2016 link PDF
Assessment of polyanion (BF4- and PF6- ) substitutions in hybrid halide perovskites Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2015 link PDF
Ellipsometric characterization and density-functional theory analysis of anisotropic optical properties of single-crystal α-SnS Journal of Applied Physics 2014 link PDF
From kesterite to stannite photovoltaics: stability and band gaps of the Cu2(Zn,Fe)SnS4 alloy Applied Physics Letters 2014 link PDF
Synthesis, characterization, and electronic structure of single-crystal SnS, Sn2S3, and SnS2 Chemistry of Materials 2013 link PDF
Band alignment in SnS thin-film solar cells: Possible origin of the low conversion efficiency Applied Physics Letters 2013 link PDF
Phase stability of the earth-abundant tin sulfides SnS, SnS2, and Sn2S3 Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012 link PDF
A photoactive titanate with a stereochemically active Sn lone pair: electronic and crystal structure of Sn2TiO4 from computational chemistry Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2012 link PDF