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See below for full list of recent news

News Date      
A BMD article is selected for the front cover of Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (link). Apr.   2024
Lee Burton is an invited speaker for departmental seminar at the Hebrew University, Israel. Feb.   2024
Lee Burton is an invited speaker for departmental seminar at the Hebrew University, Israel. Jan.   2024
Muhammad Jabaly begins as a PhD student at BMD Dec.   2023
Nadav Moav and Roee Asher begin as master students at BMD Oct.   2023
Yanzhen Zhao successfully graduates from BMD. Sep.   2021
Lee Burton begins as Senior Lecturer at Tel Aviv University. Jan.   2023
Wenjun Zhang wins the award for China Post-Graduate Mathematics Modelling Contest. Dec.   2022
Cuicui Wang successfully graduates from BMD. Oct.   2021
Lee Burton is an invited speaker for a departmental seminar at Imperial College London (Photo). Jul.   2022
Miaoting Xu succesfully graduates from BMD. Jun.   2021
Lee Burton is session chair at the International Conference on Frontier Materials (link). May   2022
A BMD article is selected for cover of Journal of Materials Chemistry C (link). Apr.   2022
Lee Burton is invited as organising committee member to the International Conference on Frontier Materials (link). Dec.   2021
Wenjun Zhang begins as master student at BMD. Sep.   2021
Michael Staines finishes as research intern at BMD. Aug.   2021
Yu Ding finishes as research assistant at BMD. Jul.   2021
Michael Staines begins as research intern at BMD. Jun.   2021
Miaoting Xu and Cuicui Wang attend the International Symposium on Emerging Electronic Materials 2021 (Photo). May   2021
Lee Burton is an invited speaker for departmental seminar at the University of Sheffield, UK. Dec.   2020
Lee Burton wins Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Small Equipment Research Fund, 2020. Nov.   2020
A BMD article is selected for cover of Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (link). Oct.   2020
Yanzhen Zhao and Zhikun Yao begin as master students at BMD. Sep.   2020
BMD article is selected for cover of Journal of Materials Chemistry C (link). Aug.   2020
Yu Ding begins as research assistant at BMD. Apr. 2020
Shanghai University selects BMD for feature video (link). Feb.   2020
Lee Burton is session chair at the Quantum International Frontiers Symposium (Photo). Nov.   2019
Lee Burton is an invited speaker at the International Symposium on Materials Science (Photo). Nov.   2019
Lee Burton is an invited speaker at the 1st International Symposium on Computational Structure Prediction and Advanced Materials (Photo). Oct.   2019
Lee Burton is an invited speaker at the International Workshop on Materials Genomics (Photo). Oct.   2019
Miaoting Xu and Cuicui Wang begin as master students at BMD. Sep.   2019
Lee Burton wins NSFC International Young Scientists Award. Aug.   2019
Lee Burton is a tutorial leader at the Summer School for Computational Materials Design (Photo). Aug.   2019
Lee Burton is an invited speaker at the 6th Asian Materials Data Symposium (Photo). Apr.   2019
Lee Burton begins as Associate Professor at Shanghai University. Feb.   2019
Lee Burton wins Shanghai Municipal Government Eastern Young Scholar Award. Dec.   2018
Lee Burton wins European Commission Seal of Excellence Award. Sep.   2017